April 28th 2020
April 28th 2020
P.C.C documents and correspondences
Correspondence prior to the meeting (27th.04.2020)
Dear P.C.C
I hope this finds you all well.
My sincere apologies for the lateness of this email.
We continue to navigate through uncharted waters. Our meeting tomorrow evening is at 7:00 p.m via Zoom.
Here is a brief agenda:
Open in Prayer
A few updates (Chair)
Covid-19 financial implications (Chair and Wardens)
Please read the attached document. We will go round individually for clarifying questions and brief comments before a summation and decision.
Roof Fund update
Conclusion in prayer.
You are all invited to Night Prayer at 9 p.m tomorrow evening on the same zoom code.
I appreciate that circumstances differ for all of us so will be grateful for as many of you being present as is possible. Do let me know if you are unable to do so.
Many Blessings
Vicar @St Stephen's