St Stephens and St Thomas W12

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March 1st 2020

Correspondence prior to P.C.C meeting on Zoom.

Dear P.C.C,

I really hope this finds you well. 

Tomorrow evening's meeting finds us in the middle of an unprecedented situation. The country adjusting to a fast-changing landscape, so too is the church. It is sad not to be able to gather in person, but worth recognising that this is the case for most families. 

The guidelines on how a P.C.C function in times like this is still being written. To add to that, some of the present rules on how we would address church matters mean we won't be able to land much over our meeting tomorrow. It is because of this - and my ongoing check-in for advice from my diocesan colleagues that you are yet to receive an agenda.

Nevertheless, if we are able to hear each other's voices and see each other's faces tomorrow then that, at least will set us up for the next few weeks. 

Here is my hope for tomorrow's meeting. 

  1. Gathering on Zoom at 6:50 p.m. for a 7:00 p.m start

  2. We'll spend a moment in prayer. 

  3. I'll then give a brief (2-3 mins) summary of what's been happening in the last few weeks. 

  4. We will then go round so each one can give a short update on how they are doing (2-3 mins each).

  5. I'll then give an update on the following (5 mins).

    1. A.P.C.M. 2020

      1. The C.of.E's response to the financial situation churches finds themselves in due to the virus.  

      2. Easter 2020

  6. We'll then close in prayer. 

This meeting will give us a chance to catch up while at the same time get into the rhythm of meeting via Zoom. 

After consulting with the Warden's shortly after tomorrow night's meeting, we will send out business items for your consideration prior to our next meeting. The proposed dare for that meeting is the 21st of April 2020

These are tough times for many in our local area and church. We especially now, need to be in prayer. 



Meeting Summary