St Stephens and St Thomas W12

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3rd February 2019

St Stephen’s says goodbye to Rev Bob

Over 250 adults and nearly 160 children gathered at St Stephen’s for a farewell service for Bob and Sylvie Mayo. Bob chose the theme of Celebrating St Stephen’s for his final service in Shepherds Bush, and with an eye to the future, the entire first half of the service was led by some of the church’s children who have grown up with Bob as their vicar. The final prayer was given by Michael Schumm, headteacher at St Stephen’s School. The service was followed by a lunch in the parish hall, for those who could squeeze inside, and presentations were made to Bob and Sylvie, including a book of messages and prayers from the congregation for Bob and a vintage silver and turquoise cross for Sylvie. Extracts from the order of service which illustrate some of Bob’s 13 years in the parish are shown below.

At next Sunday’s 10 am Sung Eucharist, the celebrant and preacher will be the Venerable Stephan Welch, Archdeacon of Middlesex.