Standard Conditions of Use

St Stephen’s Church & Hall

1: Payment

The payment shall be paid as set out in the booking document. The security deposit, if applicable, will be returned to the User after the event provided the Church’s representative is satisfied that the hall has been left intact and clean.  Except in exceptional circumstances, the first payment will not be refundable. The balance shall be paid as agreed between the parties and noted on the accompanying agreement. For a one off use, the full payment must be received at least two weeks before the event takes place.

2: Security

Provision and supervision of Security will be the responsibility of the User. The User’s security will ensure the protection of the fabric and contents of the Hall and grounds from damage, and will supervise the behavior of all persons using the premises, ensuring inappropriate behavior/activities do not take place. The conduct of the users, and attendees must respect the Equalities, Child Protection and Health & Safety Policies that are upheld by St Stephen’s Church Parochial Church Council. The Seated capacity of the hall is 80.

3: Content

The material/content of the event must be appropriate to the sacred nature of the church as a Christian building and home of a worshiping community.

4  Licences and permissions. 

The User will be responsible for obtaining all licences and local authority permissions as may be required for the activity concerned, and shall be responsible for informing the police should the event require it. 

5 Fire regulations. 

The User is responsible for adhering to all Fire regulations during the period of use, and for ensuring that no breach of these rules takes place.  Fire Exits must be kept clear at all times.

6  NO smoking. 

Smoking is not permitted in any of the church’s buildings or anywhere in the grounds or curtilage of the Church and Hall.

The premises may not be used for any unlawful or dangerous activity.

7  Rubbish

The adequate provision for collection of refuse during any event and its complete removal from the site following it are the responsibility of the User.  A small amount of rubbish (one black bag) may be put in the wheelie bins in the cupboard near the road. Surplus rubbish must be taken away by the user. Recyclable materials must be placed in the correct bag (there are two different bins provided in the kitchen) and left in the same place as the rubbish. No food or food waste may be put in the recycling bags. All rubbish must be securely bagged and not left out as this attracts vermin.


The Hall may only be used by the individual or organisation signing this Agreement and not by any other third party.

9  Damage/Insurance. 

The User must have in place adequate insurance arrangements and must provide evidence to the church’s representative. The User will indemnify the Vicar, Churchwardens and Committee of St Stephen’s in respect of the cost of repair of any damage to any part of the premises including the grounds and the contents of the building, and in respect of any liability to third parties or otherwise arising out of the use of the premises for the booking.

10  Sale of goods. 

Alcohol may be sold only if the User has obtained the necessary licences from the local authority.  Other goods sold must respect the Church’s Fairtrade policy. Goods sold must be appropriate/relevant to the setting and the event. A proportion of proceeds from sales made must be paid to St Stephen’s according to the agreement made between the parties.

11  Child protection, Health and Safety 

The User will respect the provisions of the Church’s Child Protection and Health & Safety Policies in any activity or event that takes place on the premises.  (A copy of the Policy can be supplied on request)

12  Equalities Policy 

The Church of St Stephen & St Thomas is a supportive and inclusive religious community. Our faith regards the protection from discrimination or harm of all groups and individuals, regardless of age, ability, race, gender, sexual orientation, faith or belief or any other characteristic to be of the utmost importance.   Groups and individuals that hire or use the church or hall are required to share this concern, and upon accepting and signing this hire Agreement, agree to comply with current government legislation, including the Equalities Act, 2010 and the Care Act, 2014.   

13  Status.

The User acknowledges that no tenancy is intended or created between them and representatives of St Stephen’s and no relationship of landlord and tenant shall exist between them.