This February at St Stephen's Church

Things to look forward to in February…


February brings with it the second half of our Alpha Course. Each week around twenty of us gather in the hall from 7:30 p.m for dinner (they have been tasty so far). Denis then tells a joke as part of the introduction to the evening session (they are usually terrible).

We then watch a short film before having some time in our groups till 9:00 p.m then its home time.

The sessions are a great opportunity to get to know folks while engaging with what it means to be a Christian. Alpha has given us all a chance to explore what we believe in a gentle way.

A few more weeks to go this February.

Pancake Party and Talent Show

If you’d like to help out, perform, or find out more then get in touch.

White and Black Simple Bordered Church Newsletter.jpg

Ash Wednesday

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We look forward to seeing you.

Belonging, Fun, Encounter!

Denis Adide