Church: people for the times
The last few weeks and months have seen the Coronavirus' impact sweep across Europe. We are more connected than perhaps we had imagined thus, we find ourselves responding to a crisis at our doorstep.
Following government advice and guidance from the Church of England, we will be moving from our normal pattern of gathering together in our building each Sunday. It will be sad not to gather together in one place but I'm certain the discomfort is one we would be all willing to endure for a time in order to safeguard the lives of those who would be most affected by the virus. Love compels us.
There is one thing worth remembering, however, as we march towards unchartered waters, the church is not our building. Jesus' followers never described the buildings where they met as temples because they themselves were the Lord's temple. And when the church is described in the bible, it is as a flesh and blood bride: a gathering of believers. Christ's promise was to be present where two or three gathered in his name. He also promised to be with them as individuals - a good ever-present shepherd - by his Holy Spirit.
I was able to remind someone yesterday evening that St Stephen's Church is now spread like salt in homes around Shepherd's Bush; ready, as God intended, to be beacons of peace and light in the middle of the present darkness.
Though we cannot gather in one location, we will use what's available to us to gather either online or via telephone. If you are able to join in with us we will be live streaming our service this Sunday at 10:00 a.m. This will be via Facebook (St Stephen's Church W12) and Youtube (click here to subscribe to our channel). These will be shorter than usual and will take a form that allows each one of us to worship wherever we are.
If you'd like to receive encouraging scriptures, thoughts and reflections on the bible, and more immediate updates then our twitter (@StStephensW12) and Instagram (@StStephens_w12) are good spaces. Click the links to follow or just search for us. We already have a podcast that you can access through ChurchSuite (or click here). The sermon from last Sunday is available for those who missed it. More content will follow and it will also pop up on iTunes soon.
If you are perhaps worried about how you'd manage to get supplies e.t.c then click here and we will add you to the list of folks to check in on.
There is a growing team of people willing to do some phone calls as well as supply delivery. If you'd like to join in with that just click here and let us know so we can coordinate our net of love.
The church has, over centuries, faced tough times with the kind of fortitude that not only inspired but held together generations of people. Our courage and values come from the knowledge that ultimately it is God who is in charge. We may not see the full tapestry of his plan, and at times might find ourselves disheartened, but faith is living in the knowledge of his love. That love is demonstrated in his willingness to suffer for us. The church has no courage if Jesus doesn't rise from the dead. He does! So we march into the breach with hope for he has the power not only to save but to heal and restore.
I will send a further update as things continue to develop.
Stay in prayer. Do not be afraid. May Almighty God grant you his wisdom and peace.
Every Blessing
Denis Adide
Vicar @ St Stephens Church