More Resources 2020
Practical Church Management: A Guide for Every Parish, by James Behrens, published by Gracewing, 2005, ISBN 0-85244-602-0, £20 (Amazon £13.20)
A Handbook for Churchwardens and Parochial Church Councillors, by Kenneth MacMorran and Timothy Briden, published by Continuum, 2006; ISBN: 0-8264-8153-1 £11.99 (Amazon £7.69)
An ABC for the PCC, by John Pitchford, published by Geoffrey Chapman, 2003, ISBN 0-8264-6599-4, £14.99
PCCs Uncovered: a user-friendly guide to the PCC for young people on PCCs or who want to be, published by the Young Adult Network, copies available at £2.50 from Dean Pusey, Diocesan Youth Adviser, Woolwich Episcopal Area Office, Trinity House, 4 Chapel Court, Borough High Street, London SE1 1HW Tel: 020 7939 9416, email
For Churchwardens
Churchwardens: A Survival Guide, by Martin Dudley and Virginia Rounding, published by SPCK 2003, ISBN 0-281-05073-2, £10.99 (£6.99 on Amazon)
The Churchwarden’s Handbook, a practical guide, by Ian Russell, published by Kevin Mayhew 2000, ISBN 1-84003-534-X, £8.99