St Stephen's P.C.C. Subcommittees
As was raised in our breakout groups, subcommittees give us the best opportunity to;
Divide the load so that individual groups can focus on particular areas of church welfare. That would make our time in full P.C.C. a lot more productive and less taxing on individuals.
Encourage congregational participation as they would be welcome to be party to subgroup discussions.
The proposed subgroups for St Stephen’s this year are…
1) Safeguarding
To review our Safeguarding policies and procedures
To propose necessary changes and ensure implementation occurs.
Where appropriate, to assist the Safeguarding officer in the reviewing of safeguarding cases.
Oversight of pastoral care for the different demographics in the church.
2) Finance
Perform expenditure/income analysis
Perform affordability checks for missional, maintenance, or development projects (close comms with the buildings subgroup).
Future budgeting proposals for P.C.C. evaluation/approval.
Assess potential investments
Fundraising oversight.
3) Buildings
Analysis of all building development and maintenance works.
Prioritisation of projects (what can we get done now and what needs us to approach later).
Planning & contractor finding/work oversight.
Reports and feedback to wider P.C.C.
4) Children and Youth
Evaluating ministerial provision for children and youth in the church.
Contact/relationship with St Stephen’s and other local schools.
5) Standing Committee
Knit thinking across committees
With wider strategic oversight, ensure the right agenda’s for P.C.C.
Prepare relevant annual documents.
Personel (staff and volunteer welfare)
The definitions here are core to the groups but will continue to be developed within the groups themselves.