A few adjustments #CovidPlanChange

We have continued to monitor the state of the Covid-19 pandemic both across the country and locally in order to take the wisest steps regarding our gatherings. The growing spike in infections is a cause for concern and so we will be making a few adjustments in order to keep staff, volunteers, and attendees at our services as safe as is possible. To achieve our goal of a safe environment for encounter, belonging, and fun, we ask that until notified otherwise...

  • Do join us online via our YouTube channel. Click here to subscribe. You'll be notified whenever we send out a video or live stream our services.

  • We won't be able to offer tea/coffee or the much longed-for mince pies and mulled wine at any of our services. This one is actually a sad one. I love mince pies with smiling faces.

Here's a video notice summarising some of this.

We look forward to worshipping with you over the coming days and will be in touch regarding what's coming up in 2022.

The same Christ whose birth we celebrate will keep us under his wings.

Every blessing

Rev. Denis Adide

Vicar at St Stephen's Church
Shepherd's Bush.

Denis Adide