Happy New Year
I hope this finds you well.
After a much-needed break, the team at St Stephen's is gearing up for what we hope will be a positively different year from the last. Though some of the challenges may persist, we have each individually and collectively grown from running as best as we could and slowing down when needed. Our even richer understanding of our connectedness, and the reality of its absence at points in 2021, perhaps gives us deeper wisdom; recalibrating our values.
As I'll touch on in this morning's talks, January foregrounds the challenge brought by Christmas and Epiphany. The challenge is to set a Jesus-centered direction whose trajectory is greater depth in growing intimate relationship with God. To walk this is the discipline of being a disciple: devotion to prayer, fellowship, the reading of scriptures, and breaking of bread. Are you game?
Beware the snare of apathy!
Do check out our year planner. We will be doing our best to encourage belonging, fun, and encounter so that the walk of discipline can be one of deep joy also.
We will return to our two services from this morning. There is still room at both so if you hadn't already sign-up here (9:30 a.m., 11 a.m.) and rock up. Children's groups will be resuming from next Sunday the 9th of January 2022.
If you're unable to attend in person but would still like to join in then follow the link below to our youtube channel where you'd be able to watch the live stream.
Ps: the chat function is a great way to engage.
One more time,
Rev. Denis