The story so far!
The story so far.
As the autumn of 2020 drew closer, all eyes were on the concluding Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme. Its March 2021 deadline would have meant a significant financial mountain to ascend. A lot of effort had gone into fundraising the amount we had accrued toward the project’s target. Though large, it wasn't enough for the whole project’s costs to be met. The prudent thing, then, was to approach the project in phases in order to get partway through and reduce the final fundraising target for the final phase. This would allow us to benefit from the L.P.W.G.S.
The decision to proceed with phase one (the nave and aisle roofs) meant that the tender conversation could begin transitioning into contractual ones. We, therefore, went into December of 2020 with a 14th Dec 2021 projected start date for the erection of scaffolding.
Scaffolding Re-design.
it isn't uncommon for there to be developments between the tender stage considerations and the final works. While confirming the design before works began, a weakness in our building was found. This meant that the preliminary design for the scaffolding needed amending. The structural engineer was unavailable until the second week of January so all the cogs had to be halted.
We paused under a lock-down Christmas and New year with the rest of the county and waited.