The next couple of days!

There are a few important days coming up. Get out your diary and let's journey together. 

1) Watching the Funeral Service for Her Majesty

We will be showing the funeral in our Church and Hall on Monday morning with doors opening from 10:30 a.m. Come and watch with others, we will briefly pray together once the service ends. 

2) Come learn more about her King!

This and every Wednesday evening until the end of November I and a few others will be gathering to watch 'The Chosen'. 

The Chosen is a T.V. series exploring the story of Jesus through the eyes of his disciples. It closely follows what we read in the gospels, bringing them to life in quite a moving way. 

As we grow in prayer through our teaching series, this is a simple way to understand the grace and gentleness of the one to whom we speak and from whom we should listen. Click here to watch a trailer.

Wednesdays @ 7:30 p.m. in the Church Hall. Come and join in. 

3) Confirmation 2022

I'll lead with the headline:

There will be a Confirmation service held at St Paul's Cathedral on Saturday the 5th of November 2022

If you haven't been confirmed and would like to, I'll be holding three classes over October to get those interested prepared. These will be on the first three Tuesday evenings (4th, 11th, and 18th October) in church beginning at 7:30 p.m. 

If you'd like to be confirmed, please reply and let me know as there are some forms to fill out for the Cathedral that are needed back before the end of September. 

Click here to sign up for the classes

Ps: In case you were wondering, most people wait until they are confirmed before receiving communion so if you currently don't take communion here is a good way to mark the really positive change. 

4) Baptism preparation evening

A reminder that we have our Baptism Preparation evening this Thursday (15th of September 2022) in the church at 7:30 p.m. Do come if you'd like to be baptised or would like your child baptised. In the partly interactive session, Revd Cheryl will talk us through what means to be baptised. 

Ps: It is a really good one to bring godparents to too. 

Click here to sign up 

Denis Adide